Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lean On Me......

Some times call for extending our scope to include
the outside world. Outside ideas, perspective, input,
companionship, or a boost up.

We have to be willing to admit the need when it arises.

Everyone on the planet needs some help at some point.
There is no shame in asking for help. Only the idea in
our heads that doing so makes us weak, lazy, stupid, or
some other lie from those dark places within us.

There is a real strength to overcoming societal
stigma and inner protests to ask for assistance.
And if you don't get your needs met the first time,
KEEP asking until you do!

"LEAN ON ME" by Bill Withers

Sometimes in our lives,
we all have pain,
we all have sorrow.
But, if we are wise,
we know that there's
always tomorrow.

Lean on me,
when you're not strong
and I'll be your friend;
I'll help you carry on...
for, it won't be long
'til I'm gonna need
to lean on.

Please, swallow your pride,
if I have things
you need to borrow....
For, no one can fill those needs
that you won't let show.

You just call on me brother
when you need a hand....
We all need somebody to lean on.
I just might have a problem
that you'll understand.
We all need somebody to lean on.
Lean on me
when you're not strong,
and I'll be your friend.
I'll help you carry on,
for, it won't be long
'til I'm gonna' need
somebody to lean on.

You just call on me brother
if you need a friend.
We all need somebody to lean on.
I just might have a problem
that you'll understand.

We all need somebody to lean on.
If there is a load
you have to bear
that you can't carry....
I'm right up the road,
I'll share your load...
if you just call me.
Call me ( if you need a friend)
Call me

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